How to Start Bible Journaling for Beginners
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All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."
All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."
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Bible Journaling! I’m fascinated, yet I’m at a loss. I don’t have hands, but I know most of my readers do have hands so I want to share what I’ve learned about Bible journaling for beginners, with the hope that if you haven’t investigated this form of Bible study, you might learn a thing or two from me.
Bible Journaling for Beginners
What is Bible journaling? I had never heard about Bible journaling until I became a blogger and got more involved in social media. I saw a very artistic picture colored across a page in a woman’s Bible and I thought, “Whoa! What is that all about?” Bible journaling has fascinated me ever since. I’ve also been frustrated by it ever since as well. The reason for my frustration is because of my inability to color, draw, or write out scripture as an amputee. The closest I’ve come is tapping out scripture with my stylus on my phone. It’s totally not the same!
What is Bible Journaling All About?
It’s a way of illustrating your faith and documenting what God has laid on your heart. That’s it, plain and simple. You can paint or draw out scripture in a plain journal, a special Bible journal, or right there in the pages of your Bible. Many Bibles are made with wider margins, just for that purpose. I’ve seen whole pieces of artwork cover the entire page of scripture as well. Obviously, that wouldn’t be your study Bible. But it might help you understand Scripture better by artistically coloring out the thought.

A Workbook Guide to Bible Journaling
Buy Now →Easy Bible Journaling for Amputees
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the beautiful examples on Instagram, but for someone like me, I simply have to use my words, I can’t use colorful artistry, as much as I would like.
How can I do that? By simply putting my thoughts down in words, not art. In my case, I can use my phone or my laptop. I have a Bible folder in my Google Drive. I could write out a Scripture with my thoughts about how I can apply that to my life. Plus, writing out my prayers or writing letters to the Lord is a great way to journal.
Google has a tool called voice typing that is super useful. Or if I’m using my phone, I can use my microphone in addition to my keyboard. Granted, a document in Google Docs isn’t artistic. But I can use colored fonts and add images if I want to get more creative.
Praise Him, thank Him, and share what He means to you. Date your entries. After all, it’s a journal, right? Document your thoughts. The whole point is to grow closer to God and to flesh out His Word so you understand it better.

Complete Guide to Bible Journaling
Buy Now →There are many options for Bible journaling for beginners. You can use pretty journals, Bible coloring books, or even your Bible. Some Bibles offer pre-illustrated pages that you can color like you can in this image below.

KJV, Beautiful Word Bible, Cloth over Board, Multi-color Floral: 500 Full-Color Illustrated Verses
Buy Now →You can even use coloring pages. Check out this digital product I created called Joyful Living Through Art which includes coloring pages of some of my favorite Scriptures in addition to colorful art that you can simply print and hang.
Feel free to use mine or learn how to make your own with How to Make Coloring Pages for Bible Verses.
I have found some great resources to help you learn Bible journaling for beginners. Here is a great post offering YouTube Bible Journaling Channels To Follow. If you want to see Bible journaling, why not watch how it’s done on a YouTube channel? You may also like these links on Bible Journaling Ideas and Bible Journaling for Beginners: Tips For Getting Started. It sounds redundant, I know, but I promise you that they are all different articles.
How to Bible Journal
I think I’ve given you enough resources to help you get started. So let’s talk about the reason behind Bible journaling. It’s worship, my friends. It’s a way to help you understand your Scripture. It allows you a way to focus on the Scripture so that you can figure out what God means by what He’s saying so that you can apply it in your life.
Let’s use my favorite scriptures:
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV. It says Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.”
If you want to know how to Bible journal, think of it this way. If I were to draw my favorite Scriptures out, I might start with a heart. As I think about a particular struggle I’m going through, my focus is to trust God with all my heart. I could doodle as I meditate on His Word, realizing that although I may not understand what I’m going through, that if I follow Him, He will lead me on the path I should go.
The next thing I know, my doodles have created that visual path. The more that I focus on this drawing and writing out the Scripture itself, I’m coming to peace with my struggle and I may even come to some answers that I was searching for.
That, right there is my amputee version of how to Bible journal. As it stands now, I open my Google Doc on my phone and I write out or speak the verse. From there I write my thoughts and as I type, I’m working things out. I’m still Bible journaling. I’m just tap tap tapping on my phone with my stylus. I get the same results, but it’s probably not as fun. If you need a visual of my tools to type, head over to The Honest Truth About Living with Amputations.
For additional examples of my artwork, you may also like
- My Venture Into Painting
- How Arts and Crafts Led to the Lighthouse
- How to Make a Ceramic Bowl: My Amputee Pottery Experience
As you can see, in My Venture into Painting, the cuff that I use for my stylus can also provide space for colored pencils, pens, or a paintbrush. One of these days, I’m going to get some colored pencils and learn to color…in my free time, haha!
Is Bible Journaling Disrespectful?
When I first saw that colorful artistry during my first experience with Bible journaling, I considered that. But I’ve come to realize that it all depends on where your heart is. A good friend of mine, our pastor’s wife, always reminds us that ” It’s all about the heart! ” If you’re trying to damage your Bible, then yes, I would say Bible journaling is disrespectful.
If it replaces actual Bible study, then you have a problem. Work on your heart. If you want to color, then color. Don’t disregard true Bible study for journaling. I used to be an avid note-taker and I wrote out prayers and scriptures in my Bible. Is that wrong? I think that when you get to a point where you need to keep your Bible perfect and unused, then you have a problem.
A Bible Should be a Close Friend
I’ve always been a one-Bible woman. When I was in my twenties, I received a Bible from my Gram as a gift. It turns out, she bought one for all her grandkids before she died. We received them after she passed. It was very special. I used that Bible exclusively until a few months ago when it practically fell apart.
Yes, it was special because it was from my Gram. But even better, it was easy to use. I could find everything I was looking for, it was easy for my old-lady eyes to read, and it was comfortable. In other words, it was well-used.
What is the point of Bible Journaling? Praise Him, thank Him, and share what He means to you. Document your thoughts. The whole point is to grow closer to God and to flesh out His Word so you understand it better.… Share on X
My Bible is a special friend that I keep close by my side. After all, isn’t it the Word?
John 1:1 KJV tells us In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
It was hard replacing my Bible. I searched high and low for a new one. As an amputee, I needed a certain type of paper, that I could turn the pages easily with my stylus. I needed large print and I needed margins. If I need to take notes, now I simply ask my husband to write my thoughts in it. Once I found a Bible that fits all of my criteria, almost immediately I broke out my highlighter and highlighted my favorite Scriptures. I also bought stickers, which were my version of journaling color in my Bible.
I hope that I’ve given you some help regarding Bible journaling for beginners. If you’re a pro at Bible journaling, I would love some suggestions on how I can add journaling as an amputee into my Bible study repertoire. Share your favorite ideas below.
What a great post on how to start Bible journaling for beginners! It was interesting to consider this idea from the perspective of someone without the limbs needed to draw. I have hands, but I am not, by nature, an artistic person, so that’s what gets in the way of Bible journaling for me. Haha. But I love that you point out it doesn’t have to be art. We can journal the old-fashioned way – with our words! That’s more my style! This was helpful to me Wendy! Thanks for this great post!
Thanks, Cherith. I’ve spoken a lot about gratitude journaling, so why not do Bible journaling the same way? As long as your end result gets you closer to God, where does it hurt, right? Have fun!
Such a great post Wendy! I have so many journaling Bibles (for different purposes that I have in my head LOL) but I just struggle getting started. You’ve inspired me to get going! Thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies
Thanks, Diane! I’m glad you’re moving ahead with Bible journaling. I’ll just type away in my phone. HaHa!🤣
I love Bible Journaling but it can be such a confusing topic. SO many people dislike the idea of it and I appreciate you taking the time to lay it out like this Wendy!
Thanks, Tiffany. I wasn’t sure about it at first. But I’m so jealous (I know, pride) of everyone who can write and color. I miss those opportunities.
Bible journaling is such a fun and creative way to dive into God’s word! I had really never heard about Bible journaling until a friend of mine from church introduced me to it. Now we have a whole group of us that meet up twice a month to do it! A great way to have fun, fellowship, and Jesus!
Plus it sounds like a fun, clean girls night out. What could be a better way to spend your evening?
What a great post! I do not have a creative bone in my body, but after reading this, I realized all of the copious notes I have been writing in my bible are “sort of” like those pretty versions. 🙂 I think I will use your idea of writing out even more of my thoughts and maybe include a few stars and hearts!! Who knew Bible Journaling had so many different aspects!
I too have a favorite but well worn bible, and I replaced it, but it’s just not the same!
Hey AnnMarie, No that new Bible is just not the same but it’s a great opportunity to dig in and use it, like we did the old one. I do agree that avid note taking is a form of Bible journaling. Keep it up, girl!
Wendy, I love your servant’s heart. I had never heard of Bible journaling either until I got involved with our group and watched LeeAnn doing it. I use to think it would be disrespectful to this to God’s word but I now I see it in a different light. As you said, it’s all about the heart and the motive behind it.
Thanks, Angie. I love the idea of Bible journaling. The heart makes all the difference. I hope you’ll try it soon.
I actually have never heard of this. What a neat idea.
Hi Michelle,
I hope you’ll check it out. Thanks for stopping by.
Wendy – I loved this! I had never heard of Bible journaling either till I got involved with our group. I just purchased a Journaling bible that has all the illustrations ready to color. I can’t draw much of anything so this was just what I needed. I used colored pencils and a gel pen on my very first page and I love it. You have a picture of the Bible I got and highly recommend it. It’s the NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible – large print. It also has lines in the margins for journaling.
Hey Fleda, I’m so glad you’re getting started. The beautiful Word Bible is great. I’ve flipped through the pages and I love it!
I keep thinking about beginning Bible Journaling, and finding different ideas. I think when my littlest gets a little bit bigger, I will start.
Bible journaling can look so individual and interesting and unique. That’s what makes it so cool! We’re all individuals who worship God as individuals.
Your perspective and the humor that you bring to any subject related to your amputation is always such an encouragement Wendy!
Thank you, Aryn. You might even consider including your little one in your Boble journaling. If they’re old enough to color, it would be a great learning experience for both of you.
You bring up a really good point about how it is where your heart with. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I realized that I’m a poor artist and a perfectionist, and that’s a terrible combination! 😂😂 However I love how you explain everything about bible journaling for beginners. Once I get my heart in the right place I may try it again!
Hey Jessie, Yes! It’s all about the heart. Truly, most of us think we’re bad artists. But if the goal is to worship, then God really doesn’t care if you have artistic talent or not. Try it again and just praise Him.