Rediscover God’s Joy and Peace Amid Life’s Trials
I create resources to help you live One Exceptional Life
I offer the tools and encouragement to help you grow your faith, joy, and peace through your struggles
When women face trauma or trials in life, it can cause them to doubt the strength of their faith. I provide coaching, encouragement, and practical help to focus on growing your faith and your blessings so the hard things you face don’t seem so big. Because then you can rediscover the joy and peace in your life that can only come from the Lord.
Hey there…I’m Wendy!
I am the most positive & happy quad amputee woman that you’ll ever meet. I get my joy from being a child of God, mom to 3 awesome adults, a Memaw, a furbaby, & the wife to my loving hero.
I learned the hard way about how to rediscover peace and joy in my life after a nasty bout of a flesh-eating bacteria, that left me as a quadruple amputee. Learning to rebuild my life without my hands and feet took a whole lot of prayer, spiritual growth, and counting my blessings. But with a positive outlook, and the love and support of my family, I bounced back to create One Exceptional Life, and so can you. To learn the rest of my story, and how I can help you, click below!

If you’re ready for a season of growth when it comes to navigating the storms of life and rekindling the joy and peace that God intends for you, I’m excited to support you on your path. A personalized conversation can be a significant step forward in achieving your personal and spiritual goals.
Schedule a Joyful Living Strategy Call with me to discuss how I can help you with the next steps in your quest for more joy, peace, and greater faith. Click here to schedule a call.
Consider this an opportunity to invest in your spiritual well-being. Let’s connect to help you take significant steps toward a more joyful and peaceful life.
Some of what we offer to help you overcome your trials by helping you grow your faith, gratitude, joy, and positivity:
Get encouragement and practical help through your major life challenges. As a quad amputee, I share stories and tips on overcoming trials in life and moving past them by growing your faith, gratitude, joy, and positivity.
Practical Christian living tips for spiritual growth. I offer encouragement to help you walk in discernment and clarity when facing adversity. Trauma can turn a woman’s life upside down and make her doubt if she can continue to be the Godly example she wants to be for her family. Let me show you how growing your faith can break through those barriers.
Tips on the importance of joy and how to create a joyful life with Jesus. Joy comes from within. You don’t have to lose your joy during times of adversity. I can help you keep smiling despite the challenges you may face.