How to Find Happiness: 10 Simple Ways
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All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."
All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."
My idea for this post about how to find happiness all started with a quote! It said “Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life”.-Mandy Hale.
I wanted to know, How do you find happiness?
First of all, there’s a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is external like my dog makes me happy or my Magnum® ice cream bar makes me happy. Joy is internal. I have the love of Christ in my life, which gives me joy.
Happiness? This question took me down a path of asking friends and relatives and posting on social media. I am generally a happy person. Sure, sometimes I get discouraged. I mean, look at me, I have no hands or feet.
However, my life has more love, joy and happiness in it than you could possibly imagine. I asked everyone, “how do you find happiness?” I received a lot of wonderful responses. The answer is simple!
Happiness is a conscious decision!
You have to choose to be happy. Also, you cannot let others control your emotions. For instance, if someone says something that hurts your feelings or makes you angry, you have total control over those emotions. You get to choose how you respond.
That’s easier said than done, I know. I consider myself to be extremely emotional. This means I cry at EVERYTHING! I cry when I’m sad, happy, angry, hurt, at commercials, when I hear beautiful music, you name it. My daughter Megan always tells me to “suck it back in Mom!”. I never learned how to do that, but I imagine it’s possible. I take that back. I’m sure it’s possible. Again, it’s a choice.
So if happiness is a choice, then there are external things that you can do to create that happiness. Let us count the simple ways.
- Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment! When you have accepted Jesus as your savior, you not only have external happiness, but you find an internal joy beyond all understanding. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t experienced this kind of love and joy in your journey of life. I highly recommend it!
- Gratitude. I put this near the top of the list because it’s a known fact that people who are thankful are happier. We are so blessed, more so than we deserve. That’s for sure! I am constantly reminded of all the things that I have to be thankful for. For ideas on different ways that you can count your blessings visit Gratitude from A to Z: Things to be Thankful for and Gratitude: Why Counting Your Blessings is so Important. If you would like 40 Gratitude Journal Prompts, feel free to request them here:
- Forgiveness. When you carry that burden of a grudge against someone, it weighs you down. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is based on forgiveness. He died on the cross to pay your debt of sin. Jesus forgives and so can you. It’s just not worth the weight. Just let things go! Be sure and forgive yourself too!
- Comparison. Don’t compare your life to others. Be content with the life God gave you. We all have a tendency to look at our neighbor and compare houses, or yards or cars. I think this is common in the blogging world. It’s hard not to look at someone else’s blog and be jealous because they may have more followers or make more money. However, we are all at a different point on the path. I’m still a beginner so it’s crazy for me to compare myself to someone who has been around a lot longer. However, I’m so happy with the fact that I’m a new blogger who is still learning. Would I like to make money with my blog? Of course, and someday soon I will. However, I am thrilled that you are reading this right now. Please leave me a love note in the comments if you get the urge. Positive comments make me happy too!
- Love. “Jesus said unto him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”. Matt 22:37-39 When you have that kind of love in your life, you can’t help but be happy. Can you imagine what this world would be like if everyone loved like that? There would be no hatred, abuse, or crime. I’m afraid the only time we will experience that won’t be until after Jesus returns. However, what a glorious world we will live in then. I can’t wait!
- Relationships. We find happiness and joy in the relationships that we have. We are blessed with our spouses, children, families, and friends. Choose people who only bring edification to your life. Edify others. It’s our job to build people up, not bring them down. We will be held accountable for every idle word, so let’s make them count.
- Live in the moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Praise the Lord for His mercies which are new every morning. Put your focus on those things you can control. When you are with your family, put down the technology and pay attention to what’s going on. I will admit, I am very guilty of this. I always have my phone with me. However, when I do that, I’m not spending my time wisely. We are at the point in our lives that it’s just a matter of months before all the kids have moved out. I need to use what little time we have left, wisely. So to my family, “I’m sorry”! My family blesses me with so much joy and happiness. Being a wife and momma is the greatest job on earth. I thank God every day for my family. Whether I’m holding my newborn, they’re rolling in the dirt, writing on the walls, learning to drive, walking down the aisle or leaving home, every moment with my kids puts a smile on my face. Technically, not the leaving home part, but the coming home to visit momma and daddy part does. These moments almost literally melt my heart.
- Contentment. Be accepting of ourselves and love ourselves. Aren’t we always trying to lose weight or make more money or have a nicer car? Those things are great, but as you strive to reach those goals, be happy with who you are. It saddens me when people say they won’t be happy until they win the lottery or meet the perfect mate. That’s wrong, friends! Be happy now! Love yourself and love your situation. It’s good to have goals, but don’t base your happiness on the accomplishment of those goals.
- Stuff. This category contains all the other stuff like food, puppies, babies, homes and everything else. I think it’s so important for you to be happy in whatever state you’re in, but friends, give me a double caramel Magnum® bar and I am on top of the world! Who isn’t happier when they’re rolling around on the ground with a bunch of puppies or holding your baby for the first time (or any time, for that matter)? These are put-a-smile-on-your-face happy moments. Try and make them every chance that you get.
- Generosity. Giving to others is a huge blessing and will always make you smile. Give of your money, your time, your clothing or your love. Take every opportunity to help someone out and you will always find happiness. I absolutely love random acts of kindness. Check out my blog post entitled 20 Beautiful and Loving Ways to Pay it Forward. Make sure you read that to get lots of ideas on how you can be generous toward others. Open up your heart and share your love with others. Even when you think that you don’t have something to give, I guarantee that if someone is down and out, whatever you’re holding on to so tightly, someone else needs it far more than you do. Test this theory and see. You will feel better if you give!
So there you have 10 simple ways to find happiness. Basically, happiness is a choice. You have to choose to be happy. Choose love over fear, choose faith over worry, choose to count blessings instead of lack… make a conscious choice to choose happiness! Be intentional with your happiness. If you find that you’re in a grumpy mood, flip the switch. The same way you can change the channel on the TV if you don’t like what you’re watching, you can change your mindset. I heard this idea many years ago regarding your mindset. It works if you think that you can’t do something, change the channel.
“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”
— Robin S. Sharma
So how do you find happiness? You make it!
“Of this be sure: you don’t find a happy life... you make it!” -Thomas A. Monson Let’s continue the conversation over on Facebook You will find my page at One Exceptional Life’s Facebook page.
Wendy, thanks for noting the difference between happiness and joy. Yes, happiness is a choice. I health limitations and so I know I need to focus on what I can do, if I start thinking of all that I can’t do it’s a quick slide into a pitty party. Great post Many Thanks 8)
I appreciate you saying that, Debra. By focusing on what we can accomplish and not what we can’t, we will find happiness and make progress. Thanks for sharing!
During the past year while coping with health challenges I have been learning many of the lessons you enumerate here. It is ongoing as it is something I strive to practice everyday. Choose happiness, don’t delay it until I get some external thing, and love myself. This post put-a-smile-on-my-face ?
Thank you so much, Dori. I appreciate you saying that.
Being happy ‘is’ a conscious decision & it really does come down to being mindful of all the moments in your day!
Thanks for the great tips.
Thanks so much, Kim. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
So true that joy is more important than happiness! Thank you for the encouragement! Great post!
Thank you so much for reading!
Great article and so true! Sometimes we forget that happiness is a choice. All 10 are great suggestions.
I appreciate you saying that. Thank you for reading.
I agree that happiness is a choice! It is something I aim to choose every day – sometimes multiple times a day if challenges arise!
Isn’t it awesome that we can just choose to be happy? I love that!
What a lovely list of ways to incorporate happiness into our lives!
Thank you so much!
This is a wonderful article that is well written. Thank you so much for sharing it. It was warm to my heart.
I appreciate you saying that, Laura. Thanks for reading!
Great tips on choosing a happy life. I couldn’t have thought of it better.
Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment and for reading!
Yes! Happiness is a conscious decision! What an amazing thought. We choose to suffer or choose to let things go. I believe this to be true in my own life as well!
Hi Carly,
I agree that we definitely need to let things go. Choose happiness!
So good I had to share on Facebook!!
Thanks so much, Summer. I appreciate the share!
So true! Happiness is a choice!
Thanks so much, girls!
Great tips! Once again an inspiration 🙂
I also wonder – as you mentioned at the beginning that you are emotional (emotionally expressive) – if that is part of your being happy… you don’t bottle your emotions, you go through them. Maybe?
Hey Christina,
I definitely don’t bottle my emotions! But I get frustrated because of all the tears. It’s pretty frustrating.
What a positive, uplifting post! Loved it! Happiness really is a choice isn’t it?!
Thank you, Elizabeth! Happiness is definitely a choice!
What an awesome outlook! I just love your articles, Wendy! You’re always so positive and you have great ways to share it. Thank you for sharing! ?
Thanks so much, Emily. I appreciate your feedback!
Wendy, I love the idea of polling your friends about happiness. Gratitude is so important, we have many blessings. Seeing the world through blessings is a wonderful thing. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate your comment!
Choosing to be happy is something that you have to be intentional about. You shared some awesome tips, I particularly liked #4 and #7. I need to live more in the moment and stop comparing myself to others.
Hi Shanique,
You definitely have to be intentional about happiness. I’m glad you enjoyed my tips. Thanks for reading.
Wonderful post! For me, I get “cranky”. Now I can see it as a choice, and move away from that mind set. Thank You!
Thank you AnnMarie! I appreciate your comment.
This made me smile just reading it. We are surrounded by so many reason to be happy. We just have to choose to see it.
Thanks, Brittany! I completely agree!
Gratitude is at the top of my list. Taking the time to remember the good parts of your day/life makes my perspective flip if I’m having a tough day.
So true Erin! Once you start counting your blessings, it’s hard not to get a smile on your face.
These are all such great things to do in the pursuit of happiness. I find that comparison is a big happiness eliminator for me. As soon as I begin to compare myself to others, I’m no longer satisfied with the progress I’ve made or the things I have. It’s definitely something I’m working on!
Hi Sarah,
Yes, comparison really is a dream killer. The good news is that it’s a choice. All we need is to change the channel! Click!
I firmly believe that happiness is a conscious choice, as you say so eloquently!!! It’s a mindset. Gratitude and love are at the core, but we need to decide to be happy and then, well, BE happy! 🙂
I love your comment, Jessica. If we choose wisely, our happiness will grow. Be happy!
I love this post – I feel happy reading it – I think sometimes life circumstance can weigh so heavily that I forget the choice to be happy and to be thankful. Thanks for the suggestions to make the right choice!
I appreciate your comment, Danielle. Choosing happiness truly makes for a great day!
I wake up everyday telling myself that I need to choose how my day will be. Positive self talk always seems so much harder. Thanks for your tips!
Thanks, Kellie. I’m glad you like the tips. Happiness really is a choice
Happiness truly is a choice! It really is and these are all awesome ways to choose to find happiness. God has been working this in my life for a little while now and He impressed upon me so much, contentment and gratitude were my weak areas. Thank you for this reminder!
I’m so glad that you’re working with the Lord to focus on contentment and gratitude. He’s an awesome coach!
Love this. I have been working hard to be happy and find the beauty in things over the last year and it’s amazing how much it has changed my perspective on things. I will admit, it’s not always easy, but I know it will come easier the more I do it.
Hi Sarah,
Absolutely! That which you focus on will grow. You’ve got some great ideas here, and if you look for joy everywhere, your happiness will follow.
#7 and #8 are biggies for me, but I also like #10 esp when it involves giving time to causes I believe in. Tonight my daughters’ Girl Scout cookie orders are due, and so as Troop Cookie Mama I will be at the meeting collecting all the forms – which gives me great joy, as I love helping with this event each year. And there are so many little moments in parenting that just melt your heart and fill it with gratitude if you just look for them – and the same is true for being so grateful for my husband, my family, and my ability to get from point A to point B on a given day!
Thank you, Flossie! So it seems that you have so very much to be happy about. That’s exciting! But cookies? We have not gotten any phone calls in our area, that’s so sad. I’m sure we can get some from the girls selling at the store. I love that we have options. Good luck with your sale!
It really does come down to choices, doesn’t it? We ultimately control how we think, what we do, what we have faith in, what we’re willing to let go of. I think your list and thoughts are spot on!
Thank you so much, Candi! Happiness is definitely a choice. The best option is to choose wisely if we want to keep that smile on our faces!
Comparison is one of my downfalls! I am so quick to compare myself/situation to others and that does noone any good! It is enough to be who I am right now, but I don’t always feel that way. I have focused a lot more on gratitude over the past year and it has boosted my spirit a ton!
Hey Carly,
Comparison is a tough one. But if we all focus on gratitude we can come out of that comparison funk!
Wendy, you are always so inspiring, and finding happiness is so important for everyone! I love you suggestions and one day I am going to have to find those Magnum Ice cream bars! LOL
Thanks so much, Holly. You guys are probably all tired of me talking about my magnum addiction. Haha. I promise you’ll love them!
Thanks for the ideas in this post. I knew you would find a way to work in Magnum bars somehow! I always appreciate your positive suggestions.
Haha, Lisa, you would think I’m a Magnum addict for all I talk about them. They should pay me a referral fee ?.