My Explore NH in the Fall Bucket List
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All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."
Get ready to explore NH with this great fall bucket list
Every Fall there’s an excitement in the air. There’s gratitude because the hot summer months are coming to an end and the weather starts to cool off. I personally dread the signs of fall because I am not a fan of winter. The season itself is great but the cold winter months depress me. Mostly because in New Hampshire, winter seems to last forever. However, New England in the fall is beautiful! So let’s explore NH and see what is going on!
Fall is here and with that, besides the cooler temperatures come the beautiful colors. The leaves in New Hampshire turn beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. We have what’s called Leaf Peeper season here. This is where we get visitors from out of town who come to see the peak colors of the foliage. The colors are breathtaking!
With fall comes the opportunity to do things that aren’t available to us in other seasons. Therefore, I’ve compiled my Fall New England Bucket List. I hope you can take advantage of some of these things where you live. But even better, come to our beautiful state and explore NH.
Let’s Explore NH!
Enjoy a pumpkin spice coffee
I’m not a super fan of this flavor but its always good for that first taste of the season, especially if there’s whipped cream on top. It seems as though everything is pumpkin spiced this time of year. I found a great list of pumpkin spice everything that you might enjoy. What a great way to start my fall fun fest.
Decorate for fall
I have recently started prettying things up around my home so that it reflects the colors of the season. I just love stocking up on all of the materials we need. You can find some fabulous fall decorations this time of year that are perfect for perking up your home. But I’ll have to be a bit more creative with my decorating since I’m on my own, in my empty nest, this year.
Go to the county fair to kick start your October bucket list
In our neck of the woods, the best fair is The Sandwich Fair. Located in Center Sandwich, New Hampshire. An annual visit to this fair has been a family tradition for as long as I can remember. Our favorite part is the food, the craft barn, and the tractor pulls, but mostly the food.
Apples, apples, apples!
First, we need to go apple picking. My legs are not sturdy enough on the uneven ground for me to pick them myself so I have to be careful. There are a ton of great apple recipes for everything from apple pie, apple crisp, dinner with apples, breakfast with apples, you name it, you can find it. You can even include your kids when creating your fabulous apple recipes. There is nothing like homemade apple butter on homemade bread. Yum!
Go to a pumpkin patch
Even though my kids are grown, we still like to carve pumpkins. I absolutely love the new patterns that are available. Gone are the days of two triangles for eyes and crooked teeth. Picking a pumpkin from a patch is far more exciting than grabbing one out of the big box at the local grocery store. Am I right? The local farm has a great pumpkin patch that is a cool explore NH attraction in the area.
Go leaf peeping in the New England mountains
Yes, I have leaves in my own yard with all sorts of wonderful colors, but here in New England, there are many scenic drives I can take to become my own special kind of leaf peeper. One of our famous local drives is through the Kancamangus Highway. According to their website, The Kancamagus Highway is a 34.5 mile scenic drive along NH’s Rt. 112 in Northern New Hampshire that is well known as one of the best Fall Foliage viewing areas in the country. It takes you right through the White Mountain National Forest. It’s breathtaking! Take a trip and explore New Hampshire with this great bucket list of ideas for the fall. #newhampshire #travelideas Share on X
What better way to work through your fall bucketlist ideas, than to start Christmas shopping
I pride myself in having my Christmas shopping done long before the last minute rush. By Black Friday, I am typically done shopping when the Black Friday weekend is over. I never buy anything at regular price and I love to space my shopping out so it’s not a financial burden. My Christmas list is already started for this year.
Host Thanksgiving dinner for friends and family
This is a regular event at the Wallace household. I used to absolutely love cooking a huge meal for everyone. For most people, it’s a stressful event, but it never was for me or my husband and kids. However, now without my hands, I can only help Mike in the kitchen. Do you have all the necessities that you’ll need for Thanksgiving yet?
Go to the Laconia pumpkin festival
The Laconia pumpkin festival is something that we’ve never been to. It’s a street festival with food and craft vendors. According to their website, they have a carved pumpkin tower that is at least 3 stories tall, rides, and a car show, among many other events. It’s a great way to spend the day.
Check out the Mt Washington Auto Road
This is something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time, but I’ve been afraid to try. Mount Washington is the highest mountain in the northeast, scaling 6,288 feet. According to their website, it is a 7.6 mile ascent on a steep, narrow 12% graded road without guardrails. I know that it’s a little frightening, but the views on a clear day are breathtaking. I’d say it’s worth every mile.
The Mount Washington Cog Railway
If you’re not interested in taking your car to the summit of Mt. Washington, the Cog Railway is another fabulous option. This is a 3-hour round-trip scenic train ride to the top of the mountain. The 360 degree views include surrounding areas including 5 states, Canada and the Atlantic Ocean and make a great fall bucket list idea. I can’t wait to try this ride too. What a great way to explore NH!
Plant flower bulbs
Every year in my October bucket list, I love to add more tulip and daffodil bulbs to my garden. It’s frustrating to me that it takes years to fill in to where I’m completely satisfied with my perennial gardens, but I’m gaining on it. Even though he’s not a fan, I’m so thankful that my husband is willing to humor me with my love of flowers.
Beef up on your gratitude
In my personal opinion, I believe that you should have gratitude all year long, every day in fact. But with November being the season of Thanksgiving, take some time to give thanks for all of your blessings. If you like pretty things, like I do, there are some really great gratitude journals available. Simply write down what you’re thankful for each day. If you need some prompters, check out Gratitude from A to Z:. Things to be Thankful for.
You can grab your free 7-day digital gratitude journal right here as well. Print and go to create or start building your gratitude habit today.
I think this year I’m really looking forward to the fall season. I have a plan now, so I’m excited. You may also be interested in visiting a local New Hampshire attraction, Castle in the Clouds, which has some incredible fall scenic views. I would be interested to hear what types of things you are looking forward to during the next few months.
As always, please leave your comments, tweet, pin, and share. Your feedback and sharing are always welcome. Happy Fall!!!
What are your favorite fall bucket list ideas that leave you feeling uplifted and motivated to have a truly inspiring day? 
Wow, what a great and cute way to bring in fall! I love this article and it’s aesthetic SO much.
Thank you, LeeAnn. Fall is off to a great start, here in NH. There’s always something fun to do as we watch God’s beautiful artistry play out before us.
Our daughter lives in upstate NY, and went to college in Massachusetts, so we have loved exploring your neck of the woods. We’ve been to NH in the summer, but never the fall. We were planning a trip next fall and it sounds like a ton of stuff to do! Alas, they are moving to Hawaii(!) so it’s off the list. You rounded up an amazing list of things to see and do!
Thanks so much, AnnMarie. I have to say that as much as I appreciate the beauty of the fall season, I would welcome a trip to Hawaii any time! Best wishes in your move!
I would absolutely LOVE to come to visit you. I bet it’s breathtakingly beautiful there and I’m ALL about anything Pumpkin!
I have plenty of room waiting for your visit, Angie. How great would it be that I could show you the artistry of God in our great state? Come on up!
I have always wanted to visit New England in the fall, and this explore New Hampshire in the fall bucket list has some great ideas!
I’m like you, I hate winter (summer lovin’ girl here) so while fall is great it brings with it the impending doom of winter. Haha. Plus I’m super allergic to fall, so that’s never fun. But despite all that, I cannot deny its beauty! It certainly is a time that naturally inspires gratitude to our Creator as His artistry is on display!
I agree, Cherith, that God’s artistry is a huge benefit to the fall season. I’m so sorry about your allergies. I hope you can still get out and enjoy the things that aren’t available during the rest of the year. Happy Fall!
You make it sound so fun to explore NH in the fall! But I especially like the part about beefing up on gratitude. That’s something we all too often overlook!
I agree, Aryn. We all need to stop taking our blessings for granted and give thanks every day and in every way.
Oh Wendy, I LOVE Fall! I would love to drive the Kancamangus Highway someday! We did the Blueridge Parkway a few years back and LOVED IT lol. ❤ We go up to the Smoky Mountains every Fall and that is a treat I look forward to every year! Blessings sweet Friend!
Thank you, Donna. The hard part is finding the time to go for scenic drives. But I figure it’s important to stop and watch God’s artistry at work. Happy Fall!
Love all of this! My goal is to visit this time next year!
I can’t wait. Make sure you include me in your list of New England adventures!
I am in old England. I am looking forward to bonfire night, November 5th not only for the fireworks and burning the effigy of Guy Fawks on the bonfire but also because I have a second grandchild due that night.
Sounds like a good time. Congratulations on your future grandchild as well.
Nice list! I never realized there were “leaf peepers” in other states. Here in Colorado many of the mountain roads, such as Kenosha Pass, get clogged up from all of the leaf peepers. We are already almost past peak season though, not sure about your area. Now I know some things to look into if I ever have the opportunity to visit the Northeast in the fall!
Wow, that’s interesting because I thought we were the only ones with leaf peepers. We haven’t hit peak season yet, probably next week. Thanks for your input. Colorado sounds beautiful.
Pumpkin spice coffee! Definitely feels like fall! Great list would love to visit New England one day during Fall. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, it’s definitely a good flavor for fall. It’s beautiful here. I hope you can see it someday.
New England and Fall make me so happy. Love all these ideas
Thank you, Jalisa, I appreciate your comment.
Oh i want to do a lot of these things too! I want to make apple butter myself. I’ve already had a pumpkin spice coffe, three times. I know that’s crazy. I love fall, it’s my favorite season.
Hopefully, I gave you some ideas to start your own bucket list. Sounds like you’re off to a great start. Thank you for reading.
I grew up in CT. Fall is one of the few things that makes me nostalgic. Add apple cider donuts to the list and this sounds like a perfect fall! 🙂
Ooh, apple cider donuts are the best. Thank you for reading. I appreciate your comment.
I’d love to visit New England in the fall! Thanks for posting your list with lovely photos included.
Thanks for reading, Lisa. Yes, it’s absolutely beautiful here. I’m making progress on my list. Thankfully the fall season just started. Have a great day.
I love apple butter. This makes me want to visit New England! I’ve been once, but only in the summer.
My daughter made our apple butter today. It’s wonderful. I highly recommend coming back to New England again. There’s so much to see and do. You might check my other post about the Castle in the Clouds. Thank you for reading.
You need to come visit the preschoolers. An invitation will be headed your way. This time you will ask the questions!
Oh boy, now I’m really nervous. Although I know we’ll have a good time.