A Son is a Son Until he Takes Him a Wife
In my previous post I spoke of our trip to Missouri, where our youngest son Matthew was getting married to his true love, Samantha. I didn’t want to leave out the most important part, the…
The importance of family and stories of faith and family as shared by a quad amputee who values and leans on her family for strength and support.
In my previous post I spoke of our trip to Missouri, where our youngest son Matthew was getting married to his true love, Samantha. I didn’t want to leave out the most important part, the…
It’s such an exciting time. Our youngest child, Matt is getting married. Matthew moved to Missouri when his brother Mike, was stationed there while serving in the US Air Force. What I thought was a…
It wouldn’t be summer without a night out at a live music concert. This is something that Megan and I love to do together. Our favorite outdoor venue is real close to home. So…
I should start by reminding you that my daughter’s nickname for me is Big Tater. I’m still not sure why, but the name stuck. I now reciprocate this term of endearment by calling her Tater…
I love to eat and I love to cook, however my lack of hands present a unique set of challenges and make it very frustrating in the kitchen. Basically, at this stage in my life…
Why don’t I wear prosthetic arms? In a nutshell, they are big, & heavy and even though they were hard to operate, it would’ve made sense to make them work if they did anything more…
Meet my husband, Mike He is by far my better half and the most wonderful person I have ever met.