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12 Powerful Spiritual Goals You Need to Grow Your Faith this Year

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All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."

Most of us are great goal setters, but bad goal reachers. Did you know that only 3% of the population even sets goals? And then a whopping 92% of those people never even achieve those goals. Whaaaaat???  Do you know what goals I’m successful at?  Yup, you guessed it, spiritual goals. You can achieve your spiritual growth goals, with a practical trick.

After I became a quadruple amputee, I was stuck, confused and questioned my usefulness in motherhood and business. Plus, I needed some spiritual help. Immediately, I added spiritual growth goals into my daily agenda. Growing my faith became critical. God allowed my illness and amputations for a purpose. Through the growth of my faith, I learned why it all happened and how to use my experience to help others.

Invite God into the goal-setting process. This step is a practical trick that is usually missed.  When we pray and ask God to open our hearts and minds to His goals for us, He will guide us to set and achieve goals for our lives that are aligned with His will. We also learn to put our trust and faith in God, that He will answer those prayers and guide us to reach our list of spiritual goals. Imagine a scene where God opens your heart and comes in to fill you up.

God doesn’t just work on your list of spiritual goals. He works in every nook and cranny of our lives. so whether you want to establish a regular prayer and Bible study schedule or you want to lose weight, include God in your goal-setting process.  In the end, you’ll have the peace in your life, that you truly seek.

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What are Spiritual Goals?

Goals are common to us as humans. We all have things we want to accomplish in life. Some typical goals are to lose 10 pounds, save more money or take a family vacation to Bermuda. These types of goals can be self-centered, but they don’t have to be. 

Better examples of spiritual goals include a weight loss plan to better care for your body, God’s temple. You may want to save more money so that you have more money to give to those who need it. Or you may want to go on a family vacation to connect spiritually with the ones you love. Even personal goals can become great spiritual goals examples if your aim is to become closer to God. 

Spirituality goals, on the other hand, are designed to draw you closer to God and grow your faith. When we bring God into the picture so that our goals become aligned with His will, we begin to set our goals in accordance with what God wants for our lives.  These goals, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are easier to achieve. 

After my amputations, my efforts to grow my faith proved this to be true. I accepted my new situation easier when I aligned my daily activities with God and grew my faith. Sadness left and joy was restored, as I dug into His Word and immersed myself in prayer and built my relationship with Him.

This quote, was written by Arabah Joy, who created one of my favorite Biblical goal-setting systems called Grace Goals. According to her website, “this 176-page resource walks you through the process of identifying how God is at work in you, then creating a practical plan for working it out.” For less than the cost of a dinner out, she offers everything you need to align your goals with God’s will. 

Use any and all means available to fight spiritual mediocrity in your life. Arabah Joy

We need a list of spiritual goals to fight spiritual mediocrity. We don’t want to be wishy-washy Christians.  Oh sure, we could go to church at the preaching hour on Sundays and join what my friend Jessie, founder of Pray with Confidence calls the “Checklist Christian Club.” You’re a club member when you do your weekly duty, then check the “I did it” box on your Christian duty checklist.

Or…you could join the “real relationship club” with God the Father, Jesus your Savior, who paid your debt on the cross at Calvary and died for your sins, and the Holy Spirit. Someday we’ll all stand before God.  Which club would you rather confess to?

Why are Spiritual Growth Goals Important?

Spirituality goals help you to grow your faith. When you accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers through His death on the cross and become a new Christian, you become a babe in Christ. You begin a new life and that means growth. When we know God’s word, we have close communication with the Lord in prayer, and we learn to live a Godly life instead of a worldly life, that’s when you know you have spiritual growth. 

Each baby step will lead you closer to God. Even after 30-plus years as a Christian, I have so much more to learn and need to grow so much closer to Jesus. Not only do I want to grow, but I also need to grow. Spirituality goals are not only important but they are more achievable because the desire is so great. 

napkin that says set goals that scare you and excite you at the same time, pen, cup handle

How to Set Spiritual Goals? 

It’s natural to just start a list of spiritual goals examples off the top of your head. But remember, spiritual goals are designed to serve God and His plans for our lives. So it’s best to include Him in our goal-setting process. 

Before you start to write your list, go to the Lord in prayer.  Ask Him to open your heart to receive the goals that He has for you to grow closer to Him. 

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Next, write those spiritual growth goals down. This process is important for the remembrance of your goals, but it also helps with accountability.   Some experts recommend rewriting your goals every morning and reviewing them every night. This activity keeps you focused on the bite-sized activities necessary to reach your goals.

Remember, spirituality goals are designed to serve God and His plans for our lives. So it's best to include Him in our goal-setting process.  #spiritualgoals #growyourfaith Share on X

Finally, find someone to hold you accountable. Sure, you have the Lord to hold you accountable. If you need help with accountability if you veer off course, work with a friend. I do this with my daughter, who owns a Virtual Assistant business from home. We set goals every morning and we revisit those goals the next morning to hold each other accountable.

Have you heard of Smart Goals? Smart is an acronym for specific, measurable,  achievable,  realistic, and timely.  

  • Specific goals are focused, narrow, and detailed  
  • Measurable means you can track their progress
  • Achievable means you can reasonably accomplish them
  • Realistic means you know what you’re capable of
  • Timely means you’ve set a deadline

Spiritual Goals Examples 

As an avid goal-setter, I tend to set big goals. But then I don’t always have plans to reach those goals, at least not as specifically as I should. 

Following are 12 examples of spiritual goals that will help you grow your faith. Additionally, you’ll find some concrete baby steps to help you reach those goals. 

Immerse Yourself in the Word 

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Talk It Out

1 Thess. 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

  • Pray to start your day
  • Confess your sins to the Lord and ask forgiveness 
  • Pray during daily activities 
  • Pray with family
  • Teach your kids the importance of prayer and how to have a relationship with Jesus 
  • Read books about prayers like this one and this one, which both have great reviews
  • Start a prayer journal like this one, which is super popular
  • Go to God in prayer on behalf of others. This is called supplication.
  • Pray for your Pastor
  • Bring a chair into the room you spend the most time in. I call this Jesus’s chair. Talk to Him like you’re talking to a friend
brunette woman in black tshirt hands clasped and head bowed in prayer

Lay these Words on your Heart

Deut. 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

Who are Your Friends?

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

  • Fellowship with other Christians
  • Attend church services every time the doors are open
  • Join or create a women’s Bible study 
  • Choose your Christian friends over worldly friends  – have lunch, go shopping
  • Spend time with other believers to learn from them, how to grow closer to God. Our faith can grow as we see how God works and answers prayers in the lives of others
When we know God's word, we have close communication with the Lord in prayer, and we learn to live a Godly life instead of a worldly life, that's when you know you have spiritual growth.  #spiritualgoals #growyourfaith Share on X

Open Your Home

1 Peter 4:9 Use hospitality one to another without grudging.

  • Practice hospitality
  • Hold a Neighborhood Cafe to meet your neighbors- The creator of the Cafe wrote this book which has been so helpful to me as I ventured out into the neighborhood as an introvert. Plus it’s got a great title, check it out!
  • Invite church family over for lunch after services on Sunday
  • Find a study buddy to study and pray together and to hold you accountable
brunette woman, black tshirt, bowed in prayer, hands clasped, 12 spiritual goals to grow your faith this year

I Forgive You

Colossians 3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

  • Practice forgiveness
  • Pray for guidance when someone hurts you
  • Remember God’s love 
  • 1 John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.

Praise Him!

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

  • Practice more worship
  • Sing hymns as you work
  • Listen to Christian radio
  • Praise God daily
  • Focus on worship at church, instead of mindless distractions
  • Worship God in nature

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

2 Cor. 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

  • Give willingly, your money, time, and talents
  • Tithe at church 
  • Give more than 10%
  • Practice random acts of giving 
  • Give to someone in need 
  • Choose an extra ministry to donate to
  • Practice sharing your testimony

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Can I Help You?

men and women in white volunteer shirts working around table

Mark 9:35 And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

  • Serve others
  • Practice giving grace
  • Make a meal or cookies for a friend who needs some help
  • Offer to run errands
  • Visit your local nursing home 
  • Witness to someone new 
  • Spread kindness to everyone you meet
  • Show empathy to those who are hurting 
  • Seek to disciple someone else. Be a Titus 2 woman.

Eat Some Humble Pie

Psalm 10:17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: Thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

  • Practice humility
  • Submit to God’s will
  • Forgive and forget
  • Remember, you don’t always have to be right
  • Let go of the things that aggravate you
  • Be patient with those who test you

Why Thank You!

1 Thess. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

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Let Go and Let God

Phil. 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

  • Journal daily
  • Pick one day to rest, unplug, and reflect
  • Turn away from the things that distract you from the Lord
  • Take a prayer walk or sit outside and worship God in the stillness and silence

Get Your Free Checklist

When you’re in a pinch and you really want some ideas to grow closer to God, it’s hard to narrow down all the ideas that are available in the Bible. Use this handy checklist to find some easy habits to incorporate in your life. You’ll find 6 of these examples of spiritual goals plus 9 more. 

  1. Get the free checklist. You’ll get the printable, plus join my weekly newsletter! Just click below to get it and subscribe.
  2. Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal.
  3. Hang your checklist somewhere handy like the fridge.

Here’s a sneak peek of your printable checklist:

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It’s Your Turn 

What spiritual growth goals do you have this year? What strategies do you have to reach them? Are you ready to use the practical trick mentioned earlier to include God in your strategy? Leave your answers in the comments below.

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